Sunday, January 29, 2012

SSRJ#1: Walker

Reading through Alice Walker’s Roselily brought me back to a time when I was a little boy, 5 years old, lost in a supermarket.  It was a horrible feeling of confusion and terror, much like what the young woman is feeling in this story, and much like I felt reading through it.  I didn’t get it.  I still don’t completely get it, but I guess that’s the point.  This story scared the hell out of me.  Even though she’s up on the porch surrounded by people she is still all alone, unsure of things to come.

The literary element I believe holds the most weight in this story is structure, specifically the conflict occurring in our central character’s head.  Also I like the way the story is broken up and how each verse relates to its italicized caption.  Through our central character’s inner conflict I think Walker is making a statement about gender and the role of a man and a woman in a marriage.  Here she is, independent woman with 4 kids (3 whom she takes care of) marrying a man whose beliefs are contrary to her way of life.  She’ll be moving from a Christian lifestyle down in Mississippi to a Muslim household in Chicago.  The narrator repeats the idea of her wearing a veil, robes, and covering her head and emphasizes her uncertainty of the situation.  A couple lines that hit me were, “Her place will be in the home, he has said . . . Her hands will be full.  Full of what? Babies.  She is not comforted.”  And “She does not even know if she loves him.”  Can you imagine?  Committing yourself to someone you don’t even know if you love?  Scary stuff.  In the end she makes a full transformation from our single mother to dependent wife even though “She feels ignorant, wrong, backward,”  and the thought is reaffirmed when the story closes with her just following behind her now husband as he doesn’t even look back.  I got the feeling she was just being led like a lost puppy.

Obviously the situation has its pluses and minuses.  At the climax of the story she seems to just go with it.  She doesn't even hear anything past “his peace” and just follows.  Is she happy?  Does she think she will be or is she doing this for her children?  

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hi everyone I'm Jordan and this is my blog for English 301.