Sunday, February 5, 2012

SSRJ#2: Carver

After reading Popular Mechanics I felt uneasy.  It bothered me, so I read it again.  It’s only about a page so I read again and again.  It’s weird but I just can’t get over how short this story is and how much of a bang it has.  I felt like I was in this couple’s house watching the whole fight unfold, and the tone and the atmosphere are what really took me there.

Carver sets the mood to dark immediately, he’s pretty forceful right from the get go.  The dark setting of this story along with the aggressive tones prepare the reader for an inevitable explosion in which Carver is showing us the price of winning may not always be worth it.  Without this setting I think the story would have much less of an impact as whole, and the reader could possibly come to conclusions that Carver did not intend.  Repetitive use of the word “dark” solidifies in the readers that nothing good is every going to come.  Light descriptions and heated dialogue contribute to demeanor of Popular Mechanics as well.

Do you think that the man is at fault here?  Is anyone at fault here?  While in the end the man is the one who “pulled back very hard” and “the issue [is] decided,” the woman also wouldn’t let get and she was very determined.


  1. Damn, just noticed this wasn't one of the options on the updated list...

  2. I think the man is at fault, personally i think that he cheated on her and she found out "you can't even look me in the eye can you". I think that the man should have left her the baby since he was the one leaving, he should have just got his stuff and left, maybe i'm being a bit prejudicial because if i was in that situation I would want to be the one who kept the baby. I think she tried to keep something important to her, since she couldn't keep the husband she tried very hard to keep the baby.

  3. I do think it was the man fault and I agree with Nelya. He could of choose to get a better payment job, instead of a low-payment job. If he cares about the family he would step up to do that for them. So I didn't understand why he will fight for the baby when he can't even support himself much with the low-payment job.

  4. I don't think either of them can talk all of the blame. Sure, the man instigated the whole thing. Or did he? The woman woudn't even let him have the picture of the baby, remember? The man took it way too far by trying to forcefully snatch the baby from the woman but they both end up hurting the child in the end.
